212 research outputs found


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    Curriculum is one of the important factors involved in teaching and learning process and it is the teacher who is the principle agent of curriculum development (Nunan, 1988). The implication of the curriculum development is that the teachers have sufficient chances to advance their professionalism and self determination. Moreover, principals play a vital and ever-expanding role in the process of curriculum development (Glatthorn, 2009). In relation to the principals’ role and teachers’ chances in developing K-13, it seems essential to look into the principals’ and English teachers’ perceptions on building up this most recent curriculum. Therefore, this study is aimed at describing the various principals’ and English teachers’ perceptions about K-13 and its implementation, and also it investigates English teachers’ problems and solutions in developing K-13. The participants of this study were six principals and thirty English teachers in Bandung. This study employed quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed methods), thus two types of data collection techniques were applied. Quantitative data were collected first through survey using Guttman and Lickert scale questionnaires to explore principals’ and English teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of K-13. To get in-depth information about English teachers’ perceptions, problems, and solutions on the implementation of K-13, a qualitative data were also collected through an interview. In general, it was uncovered that almost all principals perceived their role in the implementation of K-13 positively. It’s apparent that they were committed to do their roles well. Meanwhile, not all English teachers knew the concept of K-13 and how it was developed, and it has affected their perceptions on developing K-13. Furthermore, the English teachers still faced some problems in developing K-13. However, this study was conducted in a short time and limitations were obviously inevitable, it’s recommended that other researchers conduct the next research on the area of K-13 recurrently. It is expected that by doing the further research in the same field regularly, it will keep the trustworthiness of an issue

    Students\u27 Perception on the Use of Authentic Materials in Senior High School

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    This study aims to find out the senior high school students\u27 perception on the use of materials (authentic and non-authentic) in the classroom. To select the representative sample, a sampling method was used. This research observes the perceptions of 10 first-grade students of a Senior High School on the use of authentic and non-authentic materials. They were taught using both materials, authentic and non-authentic. After that, to collect the data, they were asked to fill in the questionnaire (Likert Scale) which showed the students\u27 perception toward both materials, authentic and non-authentic. Then, the data were analyzed based on two different categories proposed by Peacock (1997) which covered: (1) overall class interest and enthusiasm and (2) self-reported interest & enthusiasm. The result of the study indicated that authentic and non-authentic materials had their own benefit. The students indicated that the authentic materials slightly higher than the non-authentic ones


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    This study is aim to describe the Sundanese pre-wedding tradition, namely Ngeuyeuk Seureuh. The Ngeuyeuk Seureuh ceremony means processing betel, carried out by the bride and groom before the wedding as a guide for running the household. This tradition is to provide sex education as part household life guidelines for the bride and groom. The Ngeuyeuk seureuh tradition has latent meanings of sexuality as Sundanese culture thinks that sex education is a taboo. This study uses an analytical descriptive method to explain how the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh ceremony operates and uses a Barthes semiotic approach to reveal the denotative and connotative meanings and myths in the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh ceremony. It can be concluded that in the ngeuyeuk seureuh procession there are various sexual knowledge to guidelines for running the household. This tradition still displays patriarchal culture in Sundanese society and is evidenced by the issue of virginity and domestic work is considered an obligation of women in  a marriage


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan sikap kerjasama siswa pada kelas X Geomatika 1 di SMKN 5 Bandung pada Mata Pelajaran PJOK dalam bahan ajar permainan bolabasket melalui model kooperatif (Cooperative Learning). Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 siklus, dengan setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Geomatika 1 SMKN 5 Bandung, sedangkan objek penelitian adalah sikap kerjasama siswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket sikap kerjasama siswa. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan 2 tahap, yaitu: sebelum dilapangan dan sesudah dilapangan kemudian di deskriptif dengan mencari nilai persentase. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif dirasa dapat meningkatkan sikap kerjasama siswa kelas X Geomatika 1 di SMKN 5 Bandung.;--- This study inpurpose to improve the student cooperation attitude in grade X Geomatics 1 at SMKN 5 Bandung on PJOK. Subjek in teaching basketball through cooperation learning models. The type of this research is Class Action Research (PTK). This study was conducted of 2 cycles, each cycle consist of planning, implementation, observation, adn reflection. The seubjects of the study is students of grade X Geomatics 1 at SMKN 5 Bandung, while the object of the research is attitude student cooperation. The research instrument is in the form of a questionnaire on students' cooperation attitudes. Analysis of the results of the research data was carried out in 2 stages, namely: before the field and after the field then descriptive by looking for the percentage value. Research results show that the cooperative learning model is perceived to improve the cooperative attitude of class X Geomatics 1 students at SMKN 5 Bandung

    Mathematical Representation Ability and Student Confidence through Auditory Intellectually Repetition

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the difference in the ability of mathematical representation of students students' confidence who use the auditory intellectually repetition learning model with students who use the usual learning model. This research is used quantitative analysis with the Quasi-Experimental Design method. The research design used is a nonequivalent control group design. This study's population was grade VII students academic year 2018/2019. The samples in this study were selected using a purposive sampling technique with grade VII-1 as an experimental class of 30 students and grade VII-2 as a Control class with 30 students. Experimental classes follow learning with auditory Intellectually Repetition models, and control classes follow conventional learning. The research analysis results showed that there were differences in the ability of mathematical representation of students using auditory intellectual repetition learning models with students using ordinary learning models. There is a difference in the confidence of students who use Auditory Intellectually Repetition learning with students who use the usual learning model

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Tendangan “T” Pencak Silat melalui Pendekatan Media Tongkat Kelas VIII

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    Abstak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterampilan media tongkat, dalam pembelajaran tendangan “T” pencak silat Siswa/i Kelas VIII A SMP 19 Negeri Pontianak. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriftif yaitu suatu metode untuk menjelaskan tentang sesuatu yang diteliti. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, maka penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian “Classroom Action Researh”(Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Untuk pemecahan rendahnya pembelajaran tendangan “T” pencak silat Kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 19 Pontianak dengan menggunakan media Tongkat, yang berjumlah 40 siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua siklus, setiap siklusnya dengan 2x Pertemuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: Terjadi peningkatan yang dilihat dari observasi awal rata-rata kemampuan siswa melakukan tendangan “T” pencak silat yaitu, 15%. Setelah dilakukan tindakan siklus I terjadi peningkatan sebesar 30% yaitu menjadi 42,5%. Pada siklus II meningkat lagi sebesar 77,5% yaitu menjadi 90%. Dengan demikian rata-rata peningktan dari observasi awal sampai siklus II sebesar 77,5%.Kata kunci: Tendangan “T” Pencak Silat, Pendekatan Media Tongkat.Abstak: This study aims to determine the sticks media skills, learning kicks in "T" martial arts student / i Class VIII A SMP 19 Pontianak. The research method in this research is descriptive method is a method to describe something that is studied. In accordance with the purpose of research, this research using this type of research "Classroom Action Researh" (Classroom Action Research). For solving the low kicks learning "T" martial arts class VIII SMP Negeri A 19 Pontianak using Stick media, which amounts to 40 students. This research was done in two cycles, each cycle with 2x meeting. Based on the research that has been done can be concluded the following: An increase is seen from the initial observation the average ability of students to kick "T" martial arts, namely, 15%. After the first cycle measures an increase of 30% ie to 42.5%. In the second cycle increased again by 77.5% ie to 90%. Thus the average peningktan of observation start to cycle II of 77.5%


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    Abstrak: Menumbuhkan minat merupakan langkah awal yang harus dilakukan dalam mencetak wirausahawan di kalangan mahasiswa. Selain itu, dalam mengaktualisasikan ide usaha yang dimiliki mahasiswa, Universitas Sriwijaya telah memberikan fasilitas berupa Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha (PMW). Namun sayangnya jumlah mahasiswa FKIP yang lolos PMW menunjukkan jumlah yang semakin menurun di setiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian Laboratorium Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi melaksanakan webinar dan coaching kewirausahaan yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan minat dan semangat berwirausaha mahasiswa FKIP untuk ikut serta dan sukses dalam mengikuti program PMW. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini, yakni 78 mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. Adapun metode kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi kegiatan, pelaksanaan webinar dan coaching, dan kegiatan evaluasi. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, kegiatan pengabdian ini telah terlaksana dengan baik dan memperoleh respons positif dari peserta. Selain itu, melalui kegiatan ini dapat menumbuhkan keinginan dan minat peserta dalam berwirausaha dengan mengikuti kegiatan PMW sebesar 82,31%.Abstract: Cultivating interest is the first step that must be taken in creating entrepreneurs among students. In addition, in actualizing the business ideas of students, Sriwijaya University has provided facilities in the form of the Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW). But unfortunately, the number of FKIP students who pass PMW shows decreasing number every year. Therefore, the Department of Economics Education Study Program Laboratory service team conducted entrepreneurship webinars and coaching aimed at fostering the interest and entrepreneurial spirit of FKIP students to participate and be successful in participating in the PMW program. Partners in this service activity, namely 78 students of FKIP Sriwijaya University. The method of activity includes socialization of activities, implementation of webinars and coaching, and evaluation activities. Based on the evaluation that has been carried out, this service activity has been carried out well and received a positive response from the participants. In addition, through this activity, participants can grow their desire and interest in entrepreneurship by participating in PMW activities by 82.31%

    Aplikasi Data Mining Untuk Klasifikasi Kesuburan Tanaman Selada Hidroponik Dengan Metode K Nearest Network

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    Teknologi pertanian dengan metode hidroponik mulai dilirik. Hal ini karena sistem hidroponik tidak memerlukan tanah yang luas dan tanah yang subur. Dengan teknologi hidroponik semua masyarakat dapat menikmati hasil panen sayuran dari kebun sendiri. Dari permasalahan yang dipaparkan tersebut, maka penulis merumuskan: bagaimana membangun aplikasi pendeteksi kesuburan tanaman selada dengan metode hidroponik? Pada mulanya penulis melakukan pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur, survey secara langsung ke kebun hidroponik di kota Baru, dan terakhir melakukan wawancara dengan pengelola kebun. Kemudian dilakukan perancangan sistem dari program ini untuk selanjutnya dilakukan implementasi sistem. Lalu terakhir untuk memastikan sistem berjalan lancar, maka penulis melakukan pengujian sistem. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sistem, sistem yang dibuat dengan menggunakan metode KNN, dihasilkan tingkat akurasi terbaik adalah dengan nilai k sebesar 15. dengan tingkat akurasi 89% dari 100 kali pengujian

    Pengatur Intensitas Cahaya Lampu Fluorescent T8 secara Digital dengan Antar Muka RS 485

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengiplementasikan balast elektronik untuk lampu fluorescent dengan power faktor > 0,9, Total Harmonic Distortion current (THDi) kurang dari 10% dan memiliki efikasi (efisiensi) yang lebih tinggi dibanding balast elektromagnetik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengaturan intensitas lampu fluorescent T8 dengan teknik switching modulasi frekuensi menggunakan rangkaian terintegrasi IC L6574. Untuk memperkecil THDi yang ditimbulkan hingga dibawah 10% dengan faktor daya > 0,9 digunakan Power Factor Corection (PFC) aktif dengan IC L6562. Pengendalian dimmer dilakukan secara digital dengan mikrokontroler yang berfungsi menterjemahkan perintah digital dalam kode American Standard Code Information Interchange (ASCII) menjadi keluaran tegangan DC 0 – 10V dengan metode PWM. Komunikasai data antara sistem dimmer dengan terminal data (PC) dilakukan melalui kabel dengan antar muka RS485. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dimmer elektronik dapat mengatur intensitas cahaya dari 10 – 100%, THDi menurun mencapai 10,8 % dengan pf > 0,9 pada pengaturan intensitas cahaya 100%. Dimmer elektronik memiliki efikasi 5,67 lm/W lebih tinggi dibanding balast elektromagnetik dengan efikasi 3,9 lm/W. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dimmer elektronik memiliki unjuk kerja yang lebih baik dibanding dengan balast elektromagnetik serta kemampuan mengatur intensitas cahaya yang dikendalikan dari komputer atau peralatan digital
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